保税仓储Bonded Warehouse: * 海关保税仓储Customs bonded Warehouse * 保税货物运输服务Inbond trucking service * 进出口报关、报检Customs clearance * 熏蒸、检验检疫业务 Fumigation & Customs Inspection * 代缴税款业务Tax & Duty * 提货和送货Pick-up & delivery 普通仓储General Storage: * 仓储和分拨管理Warehousing & distribution center management * 包装和标签Labeling & packaging / palletizing * 质检和盘点Quality Inspection & Inventory * 退、换货 Return & Exchange goods * 货物实时跟踪和查询Goods Tracking & Real-time Query * 批次、序列控制 Batch & Serial control * 订单管理Order Management 标准厂房Standard Workshop: * 一层高6.5米,二层以上高4.5米first floor 6.5 meter of altitude, and above the second floor of 4.5 meters high * 2500KW的动力电压,网络、消防设施俱全2500 KW of power voltage, the network , fire control facilities are complete in all varieties